Older Books
The Night Before Christmas
Illustrated with traditional oil paintings, this rendering of the classic Christmas verse is set in a small New England town.
A Treasury of Princesses
From the Mayan people of Central America to the Xhosa people of Southern Africa, from the ancient mythology of China to the legendary Arabian Nights, every culture across the globe has its princesses. The princesses themselves may…
Where Have the Unicorns Gone
Long ago unicorns lived in a haven of sun-dappled glades and flower-filled dells. But as civilization spread over the ages — with its fierce knights, its chugging trains, its thick smogs — unicorns had to find a…
The Story of the Nativity
A retelling of the Bible’s nativity story is complemented by illustrations that chronicle the birth of Jesus.
Good Dog Poems
The eighty-eight poems about dogs in this distinctive anthology span from Shakespeare to the contemporary humorous verse of Ogden Nash, arranged in ten delightful and original categories.
Five Nests
Describes the ways robins, redwing blackbirds, rheas, Mexican jays, and cowbirds care for their newly-hatched young.
First Serve
Dulcie, according to her parents, was a swimmer. It was Pat, Dulcie’s sixteen-year-old sister, who took tennis lessons, wore smashing tennis dresses, won local tournaments, and tried to use tennis and the good grades she earned in…
Don’t Hurt Laurie!
After her mother, prone to fits of anger, remarries, Laurie, a battered child, is aided by her new nine-year-old stepbrother in finding the help that she so badly needs